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Kallana Johnson

Military Relocation Professional |
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Kallana Johnson

Military Relocation Professional

About Me

What makes me so special? I will give you two things. First, I am a RE/MAX agent. I am connected to over 100,000 agents globally in 98 countries and no brand sells more real estate than RE/MAX. Secondly, I am a homeowner and own three investment properties. I have been “in your shoes.” I understand the importance of incorporating “the big picture” into the search for real estate. I know that there are various factors, some you may not even have thought of, that will affect your decision to purchase or sell a home. I am happy to help you analyze and weigh all of your options, so that your decision is what is best for you and your family. My goal is to insure that every client, from the first-time buyer to the experienced investor, experiences exceptional service and finds not just “a house” but “a home.” I work hard so you don’t have to!

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